Award-Winning Poet &
Author of The Disordered Alphabet
The page is all around us. Our eye is the beholder. How do we read words, objects, and each other? How do we make joy, together and alone?
About Me
I’m a poet, translator, and interdisciplinary artist. My poetry, translations, and fiction have appeared in Best New Poets 2016 and 2020, the 2023 Best of the Net Anthology,, Poetry Daily, Split this Rock, as well as numerous journals. I am the recipient of fellowships from CantoMundo, the Atlantic Center for the Arts, and the Djerassi Resident Artists Program. I have the good fortune to teach translation courses, in addition to poetry workshops in Spanish and in English at Stanford University. I’m a former member of San Francisco’s Right Window Gallery. Rumor has it I’ve dressed as a human-sized gold nugget and performed anti-Trump poems in front of San Francisco City Hall.